Volunteer Engagement Program India

Become a volunteer with DKMS to save lives!

The student volunteers are the bridge between DKMS Foundation India and their respective colleges. They would help in enrolling potential stem cell donors through various events and campaigns on the campus, with the relevant assistance from the Donor Recruitment team.

Students are often the ones who like to engage in social actions and volunteering activities. They have the incredible motivation and willingness to change the world and are conscious of how important it is to spread the word about the cause they connect with. This will be an opportunity to work with an international NGO and also gain relevant experience to nurture your abilities for your professional career.


The goal of a Student Volunteer is to establish an environment of involvement and engagement that goes above all other causes to be of human value and effort.


  • To provide social responsibility opportunities for the college students to utilise and engage in, alongside their academic endeavours.
  • To gather college students to engage in donor recruitment activities that would help benefit blood disorder patients
  • To engage the assistance of the student volunteer to increase the visibility of DKMS Foundation India and awareness of the cause among the general public.


  • The program would help enable like-minded youngsters to cater to a noble and humane cause.
  • It would provide several opportunities for the participants to grow beyond their academic scope and understand their social values and responsibilities in a humanitarian society.
  • It would help establish a sustainable relationship with the university partners.
  • It would help expand DKMS Foundation India and its efforts to fight blood cancer and other blood disorders.
  • The program would instil due recognition and encourage the volunteer and their peers to altruistically pursue their social values.

Join us as a Student volunteer today! Contact us to know more!

For more information
Aishwarya Kamath
Project Manager
Help us to register even more lifesavers
We’d love it if you could help us to get more people on the registry and thus give new hope for life to many blood cancer patients.