Patient Services

Being one of the most diverse countries globally, India is a subcontinent with several challenging issues for patients. Especially, in the case of blood cancer, the right diagnosis is mostly characterized by wrong information and feelings of distrust.


  • With a population of over 1.3 billion people in India, over 1 lakh people are diagnosed with blood cancer and other blood disorders such as thalassemia and aplastic anaemia, every year
  • Over 10,000 new cases of Thalassemia are diagnosed every year
  • With over 42 million carriers, India is also known as the Thalassemia capital of the world

Patient Services:


The goal of the “Patient Services” programme at DKMS Foundation India is to address and support the patients' unmet needs and help improve the access to treatment for the patients and their outcomes.

Ways to support patients

  • Direct counselling
  • We can help create awareness or enhance donor registration through a PR campaign
  • We can help you connect with the Donor Recruitment Team to facilitate the donor registration events
  • We will connect you with the Information, Education, and Communication Team to help educate people to register for this noble cause
  • Get answers to financial or insurance-related queries
  • Act as a knowledge centre and be patient's advocates at each and every stage.
  • Help them prepare for transplant and learn to cope with life after transplant

Counselling Services

The patient in need of a stem cell transplant is given counselling service which supports them during difficult times. The counsellor can help you to identify and resolve personal, social and emotional problems related to the illness and the stem cell transplant.

Who is eligible?

  • Patients who are pre-transplant, post-transplant, or well into survivorship
  • Caregivers and family members of eligible patients
  • Bereaved people or family members
Patient Services
Reshma Kumari
Patient Counselor
Help us to register even more lifesavers
We’d love it if you could help us get more people on the registry so that everyone who needs a blood stem cell donor can find their match.